At Home Pet Euthanasia in Montreal

Dre Melissa’s At Home Pet Euthanasia service offers a tender solution for saying goodbye to your cherished pet on your own terms. Instead of a clinical environment, it allows you to have your pet surrounded by loved ones in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. By choosing At Home Pet Euthanasia, you can ensure a compassionate and memorable farewell for your furry friend.

Our euthanasia treatment for your pet starts with a personal visit from Dr. Melissa. During the evaluation, she will discuss the options for your pet’s care. If euthanasia is the best choice, Dr. Melissa will first provide a calming sedative to your pet. After your pet is relaxed, we’ll administer a peaceful end-of-life medication. Choose At Home Pet Euthanasia for compassionate in-home care.

It is important to remember that euthanasia is not a decision to be taken lightly, and it is normal to feel a range of emotions during this time. However, it is also important to consider the well-being of your pet and to make a decision based on what is best for them. At Home Pet Euthanasia can be a peaceful and loving way to say goodbye to your furry friend.

bittersweet goodbye woman and dog before euthanasia
pets should feel happy and comfortable

Frequently asked questions

After signing the authorization form, the vet will administer an injection under the skin usually in the scruff on the upper back. The injection contains an analgesic (pain killer) and a sedative, making your pet feel comfortable and relaxed. Once you and your pet are ready, the vet will perform a brief exam, and then administer the second and final injection directly in the vein, typically in one of the back legs. Within seconds of finishing this injection, your pet will peacefully pass away. After the vet has confirmed that the procedure is over, she will provide you and your family a moment in private to say your final good byes before returning to collect the body, unless you have made your own aftercare arrangements.
The primary goal of any humane euthanasia service is to be peaceful and painless. The injection itself is not painful. Once the medications have taken effect, your pet will feel as though in a dream-like state. They will be able to hear you and sense your presence, but they will not feel their body or any pain whatsoever. If you feel that the first injection wasn’t strong enough, or you are worried about pre-existing pain, please do not hesitate to speak to the vet, she is there to make sure you and your pet are comfortable throughout the entire process.
Prices vary depending on the weight of your pet and if you want the remains back. Please contact us for a personalized estimate.
The vet will deliver the body to the compassionate team at Ecopassage where the body will undergo a process called aquamation. If you chose to have the remains returned to you, Ecopassage will contact you in the days following the euthanasia to review your urn selection and 2 weeks later they will deliver the personalized urn along with any other additional items you have chosen, directly to your home.

ECOPASSAGE Afterlife care for pets

The Ecopassage team in Montreal, Quebec is comprised of professionals from the pet care industry that have chosen to specialize in pet afterlife care using a compassionate and humane approach. Your pet’s remains will undergo the aquamation process, which is a more responsible, more ecological and much gentler option for the disposal of their bodies.

Having difficulty coping with the loss of a loved one in Montreal?

Everyone grieves differently. Here are a few resources to help you during this difficult time. 


1 888 LE DEUIL (1 888 533-3845)
Helpline for people who have lost a loved one.

Provides professional counseling to youth and families coping with serious illness or death of a loved one or hardship related to parental separation, abandonment, or adoption. The organization works directly with children / young adults, and their families and friend.



Therapist trained in helping and guiding individuals who are struggling to cope with their grief. One or two meetings can make all the difference. She is also the author of a book on Animal Mourning, titled Deuil Animalier.
Accompanies pet owners through their mourning process. She is the author of the books Taming Animal Mourning and Does Everyone Die?
More information: 
There is no reason not to seek help.
Example of at home pet euthanasia